Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mint Oreo Eyeballs

Mint Oreo Eyeballs:


One package of Mint Oreos
3-4 oz cream cheese (room temperature)
Candy dipping chocolate (I used Wilton Candy Melts and Chocolate Almond Bark)
Candy eyeballs 
Red food coloring pen


Toss Oreos in blender or food processor until ground finely. In a large bowl combine Oreo crumbs and 3 oz of cream cheese. Add more cream cheese for a more gooey texture.  Stir well until the cream cheese is completely mixed in. It's easiest to just use your hands for this. Then roll cookie mixture into bite size balls and freeze for about 30 minutes. Once the cookie balls have cooled melt your favorite dipping chocolate and dip cookie balls. With the eye balls they don't need to be perfect because it just adds to the fun effect. Once the chocolate has hardened decorate as desired.   Beware..... They won't last long. 

I also dipped some in Chocolate for my boys because they're not huge fans of White Chocolate

XOXO Lacie

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