Saturday, November 22, 2014

Refurbished kitchen table

When we moved into our house last November our friends and family were always offering up their old furniture.  Of course I couldn't turn any of it away. I love redoing things and giving them a complete new look. Especially when it's free! Here is a kitchen table a sweet friend offered to me when they upgraded theirs.
This was after I sanded it. It had a little more of the honey oak color to it.... Sanding.... Not one of my favorite things.

The stain I used was called Kona and I used an off white paint. Once that was dry I distressed the white part and used the same color of stain over it. I'm super pleased with the way it turned out! What do you think?

Our Christmas center peice on our table!

P.S. I'm still looking for the leaf that fits inside this table. If you happen to think you have the match and want to offer it up I would love you forever and ever.

XOXO Lacie

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